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uninstall hana cockpit

The short URL of the present article is: https://ipraby.com/ft6z

Note: The versions in my system is below

  • SAP HANA Database – version
  • SAP HANA XS Advanced Runtime – version
  • SAP HANA Cockpit Stack – version

To Uninstall HANA cockpit please follow below.

  1. GoTo /hana/shared/<Cockpit_SID>/hdblcm20210531_204914
  2. choose option 10, then it will give you below options.20210531_204938
  3. to uninstall all component choose all, or choose the required option and it will give you prompt for y/n, if everything looks good press y to proceed.20210531_205554
  4. then uninstallation will start and once it completes it will give you below details, you should also check the log file mentioned at the last for any issues.20210531_205645
The short URL of the present article is: https://ipraby.com/ft6z

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