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uninstall hana cockpit
Note: The versions in my system is below
- SAP HANA Database – version
- SAP HANA XS Advanced Runtime – version
- SAP HANA Cockpit Stack – version
To Uninstall HANA cockpit please follow below.
- GoTo /hana/shared/<Cockpit_SID>/hdblcm
- choose option 10, then it will give you below options.
- to uninstall all component choose all, or choose the required option and it will give you prompt for y/n, if everything looks good press y to proceed.
- then uninstallation will start and once it completes it will give you below details, you should also check the log file mentioned at the last for any issues.
How to find SAP ABAP Schema Name?
db2 "select tabschema from syscat.tables where tabname = 'SVERS'"
SELECT username from dba_users where default_tablespace
not in (
Log utilization in DB2
How to find log utilization in DB2?
db2 "select * from sysibmadm.log_utilization"
What do we mean by logs?
<in Progress>
How to find all schema names in DB2?
- How to find all schema names in DB2?
db2 connect to <db_name>
db2 "select schemaname from syscat.schemata" OR
db2 "select distinct tabschema from syscat.tables"
How to run commands/scripts in db2?
- You can write multiple sql statements in the file and can call in db2 to run in script mode. These sql statements will then execute one by one.
- You can call commands/scripts using interactive mode from Command Line Processor (CLP) also to do this make sure you type ! before db2. “!” is used to run opertating system commands in interactive mode. Example.
- Else you can directly call the commands/scripts using non-interactive mode.
- If you are calling sql statements in unix which contains aestrix (*) please make sure you add double quotes to complete sql statement.
example : db2 "select * from employee"
- If you are calling sql statements in windows which contains less than or greater than sign, >,< then also add double quotes to complete the sql statement.
example : db2 "select * from employee where salary > 20000"
- You can run below script in both interactive and non-inetractive mode. Please notice I have used $ as line terminator character, you can use any special characters. Default line terminator is ;
-- script1.txt ------------------------------------- connect to sample$ create table test_table(id int)$ insert into test_table values (1),(2),(3),(4)$ select * from test_table$ update test_table set id=20 where id > 2$ select * from test_table$
- to run above script pass the line terminator character, in this it is $ so parmeter will be -td$, you can also do verbose mode with -v to see what is the script executing, and -f <abolute_path\file_name>. example
!db2 -td$ -v -f /sapcommon/script/script1.txt
Why organization prefer DB2?
Lower Total Cost of Ownership
- In transactional processing db2 saves 28-34% of TCO as compared to competition
- In Analytical processing db2 saves 54-63% of TCO as compared to competition
Faster Deployment
- DB2 offers average 57 days faster deployment time than the competition
Faster Value to Time
- As we get faster time to deploy the project becomes live very soon and we get faster time to value
Less complexity
Need less FTE to work with db2. In general
- Manufacturing require 0.15 DB2 FTE as compared to 0.5 competition FTE
- Retail require 0.25 DB2 FTE as compared to 0.75 competition FTE
- Financial services require 0.5 FTE as compared to 1.25 copetition FTE
Higher compression rate
This save a lot of money on the storage cost.
- On average db2 compression rate is of 12.6x
- Whereas competition has an average of 7.3x
Moving to DB2 is easy
- PL/Sql native support is present for DB2
- Existing db skills work with db2 as well.
Source :
- https://www.techvalidate.com/product-research/ibm-analytics/charts/D65-07F-997
- https://www-01.ibm.com/common/ssi/cgi-bin/ssialias?htmlfid=IML14580USEN
- https://www.ibm.com/analytics/us/en/switch-to-db2/
- https://www.networkcomputing.com/data-centers/ibm-pushes-migration-oracle-db2/600951675/page/0/1
- https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/community/blogs/DB2PerfTune/entry/5_Ways_to_Save_Millions_When_Migrating_from_Oracle_to_Db2?lang=en
Download :
How to find SAP Java Schema Name in DB2?
How to find SAP Java Schema Name in DB2?
db2 "select tabschema from syscat.tables where tabname='J2EE_CONFIGENTRY'"
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